Assembly of Members

The Members’ Assembly, made up of all the members, in addition to exercising the powers established by Italian law, expresses the will of the members on the management of the association. The Members’ Assembly can declare that both the Council and the President, as well as the Electoral Commission and the Board of Auditors, have lapsed. The rules for the convocation, participation, and powers of the Members’ Assembly are established by Article 12 of the Statute.


The Council, made up of the President and an even number of at least two and a maximum of eight Members’ Council, has the role of general management of the association, appoints the Electoral Commission and the Board of Auditors, establishes the general guidelines of the association and approves annually the budget and the activity plan. The rules for the appointment, procedures, powers and functions of the Board are established primarily by Article 13 of the Association’s Statute.


The President is Sloweb’s spokesperson and legal representative. He presides over the Council and coordinates the work of the bodies of the association. The President is elected from among the members, remains in charge for three years, and can be re-elected. The rules for the election, role, and powers of the President are established primarily by Article 14 of the Statute. Maurizio Bulgarini is the President of the Association and of the Council.


The Treasurer is responsible for the proper financial management of the association. The rules concerning the role of Treasurer are established by Article 16 of the Statute. Alfredo Adamo is Treasurer.


The Secretary of the Association has the following responsibilities and functions: draw up the minutes of the meetings of the Assembly; draw up the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors; take care of the execution of the resolutions of the Board of Directors; take care of the correspondence. The rules concerning the role of the Secretary are established by article 16 of the Statute. Pietro Jarre is Secretary.

Scientific Committee

Gianni Garbarini and Franco Marra are the members of this committee.


Gigliola Battocchio, carries out the Communication function.


Sloweb is animated by people with different professional experiences in order to provide a complete view of the many aspects (IT, juridical, psychological and others) that are influenced by the use of the Internet.