“To promote the responsible use of information technologies and devices; the use of the web and internet applications in general, through education. To provide information to combat any private or public improper uses of the internet and the web.”

Sloweb is a non-profit association established to promote the responsible use of information technologies, devices and of the web and internet applications in general.


Sloweb activities include education and to provide information to combat any private or public improper use of the internet and the web.


Sloweb asserts that the web is an extraordinary vehicle for knowledge, memories and quality information sharing. Sloweb acknowledges the endless opportunities and the huge potential that digital technologies offer, also in facilitating the inclusion of challenged or disabled individuals.


Sloweb recognises that the use of information technologies involves a deep interaction with the irrational, emotional and unconscious side of human nature. Besides the opportunities, risks and social phenomena exist that must be carefully assessed and, in specific cases, challenged.


Sloweb is also committed to protecting human fundamental rights for the ecological use of personal digital data: reduce, select, protect, own and delete (forever) when managing your own digital heritage.


All the above is essential to make the web safer, free and beneficial for everyone.


Sloweb is a home for individuals, professionals and organisations that share its principles and targets described above, each contributing with activities such as:

  • Training courses concerning digital awareness and IT security;
  • Services aimed to protect and enhance the digital assets of individuals and organisations;
  • Solutions to improve internet access for everyone;
  • Initiatives to promote full transparency around Terms & Conditions and internet contracts in general;
  • Fight against creating dependency and compulsive use of digital devices;
  • Promotion of responsive and participatory behaviour in software development.
Sloweb – participants commitment

Sloweb members are committed to:

  • Share and promote the Sloweb association principles and initiatives;
  • Financial support;
  • Spread Sloweb presence across the world